Greetings, members of the Church of Christ (Holiness) USA! Across the last three months, you have seen announcements anticipating our 2023 National Constitutional Convention. For more than two years now, our Manual Revision Committee has been working hard to compile, research and prepare our general body to consider revisions to our COCHUSA Manual. If you have not made preparation, we ask that members finalize travel plans to attend our National Constitutional Convention:
Wednesday, May 24 9:00am-3:30pm Pre-Convention Informational Workday
Thursday, May 25 8:30am-5:00pm Official National Constitutional Convention
*Both days will be held at Sweet Rest Church of Christ (Holiness) USA, 215 Old Whitfield Road, Pearl, MS.
As a national body, we completely revise our Constitution every 12 years. The changes considered by open vote on Thursday, will serve as a guide to new converts, members, congregations, and those serving in local churches, District, Diocese, or National Conventions. We have before us an opportunity to govern ourselves while agreeing on changes which help us further submit to God’s will for the Church of Christ (Holiness) USA.
In the words of Bishop H. Vonzell Castilla, “Let’s Make God Look Good.”
With You,
Seeking His Face,
Bishop Lindsay E. Jones
National President
Church of Christ (Holiness) USA
Bishop Dale Cudjoe
Chairman, Manual Revision Committee
Sis. Marva Davis
Vice-Chair, Manual Revision Committee