Each year, the men of the Church of Christ (Holiness) USA look forward to fellowship and ministry updates that have taken place in local communities across the nation.
As the COVID pandemic has made gathering (in-person) difficult- we still look forward to have our Brotherhood Session (virtually). Rise Up, O Men of God!
11:00 am to 12:15 pm CST
Saturday, July 25
National Brotherhood Ministries Virtual Session
Dr. Gregory Wilson, Sr. – President Presiding
Theme: “Better Together: United We Go” Sub-theme: “What Time Is It?”
11:00 am
- Welcome: Dr. Gregory Wilson, Sr. – NBM President
- Scripture, Prayer: Deacon John T. McDonald – NBM 1st Vice President
- NBM Creed: Deacon Michael Bond – NBM 2nd Vice President
11:10 am
Diocese Reporting Session: Regional Vice President Reports (3 minutes each)
- Eastern Diocese ( Deacon Theron Hodges)
- Northern Diocese (Deacon Leander Brumfield)
- North Central Diocese (Elder Leonard Palmer)
- Pacific North Western (Brother Kevin Allen)
- South Central Diocese (Deacon Obadiah Jenkins, Jr)
- South Eastern Diocese (Brother Roget Ferguson)
- South Western Diocese (Deacon Roger Hilliard)
- Western Diocese (Deacon John Johnson)
11:35 am
Mentoring Scholarship Recognitions
11:40 am
Presentation of Workshop Presenter
Elder Tony Parker – Presenter
12:15 pm
Closing Remarks

MISSION INSIGHT -Per our NBM Mission Statement, it is our objective to prepare, and inspire the men of COCHUSA to be men of spiritual standards, sound character, and moral integrity. I believe that through the vision focus of “I CAN”: greater Involvement, stronger Commitments, a consistent culture of Accountability, and an understanding of the need to Nurture of young boys (men) through training; we can all become Kingdom builders who are resolved to building others, our churches, our organization, and most importantly, the work that God has set for us to carry out as Christian men.