What a whirlwind weekend of going but God gave us strength to go on and make it back home to Arkansas. The attached pictures are in order as I mention them in this short report.
- On Friday and Saturday May-17-18, 2019, the COCHUSA Nat’l Executive Board met for its Spring meeting at Sweet Rest COCHUSA in Pearl, MS where Eld Joseph Pridgen is pastor.
- On that Saturday evening at Sweet Rest COCHUSA, the M. R. Conic Foundation sponsored a CD Release Concert featuring the “Goins Sisters” of Alabama. This is their first CD so let’s pray that God blesses this effort.
- On Sunday morning May-19, 2019, Senior Bishop Kennebrew and I paired up and attended the 8 AM worship service at Sweet Rest COCHUSA in support of his son, Congress President Minister Daniel Kennebrew.
- We traveled on to Byram, MS to worship with The Rock Church COCHUSA where Eld Chris Perkins is pastor. This was a very stormy morning but God blessed us to have a nice worship experience.
- We traveled on to Sweet Home COCHUSA in Franklinton, LA where Eld Kevin Golden is pastor to attend the funeral service of a long time member Brother Brisco Crain. Approximately 100 funeral directors from across the country were in attendance to honor this dear brother as he was a funeral directory himself. Please keep the Crain Family in your prayers.
- After the funeral, we traveled back to Jackson, MS to attend the COCHUSA Nat’l Music Workshop held at Christ Temple “Mother Church” which was off-the-chart Awesome! The music workshop coordinator, Brother Richard Lee and staff are to be commended for a job well done in pulling all of the different choirs and music workshop together.
We thank God for His traveling grace and for keeping all that traveled that weekend in His arms of safety. Please be prayerful for the many COCHUSA District Conventions that are convening and our Diocese Conventions and our National Convention that are fastly approaching. I look forward to seeing many of you as we gather together this Holiness Convention season.
May God Bless and keep each of you,
Ambassador Allen
Thank God for our Ambassador Brother Kerry J Allen. An awesome job or representing COCHUSA in positive ways. To God be the glory for blessing COCHUSA with him.