The month of October has been set aside by our National Convention for observance of NAOMI DOLES DAY, an Annual Fund Raiser for the World Mission Board. You can share in the commemoration of NAOMI DOLES DAY, which is in honr of Sister Naomi Doles Sellers, by raising a special offering for the World Mission Board, and by reviewing with your church (especially your young people) the sacrificial labor of this missionary pioneer.
Your response to this appeal will help the World Mission Board meet its responsibility to continue providing Sister Sellers with monthly retirement support, and enable the ongoing work of our world mission endeavors. Because of the legacy of Sister Sellers, our work is expanding into other countries, cities and villages with the gospel and humanitarian empowerment ministries.
Please help us make this the largest annual mission offering ever. The World Mission Board is in dire need of your assistance to meet its projected budget and to walk through the mission doors of opportunities being opened to us. We hope to receive funds by November 17th. However, is you wish to incorporate this celebration later in the year (e.g. during Black History month), we will gladly receive your donation at a later date.
The WMB wants to say a heart-felt THANK-YOU to the many that have continued to stand in the trenches in support of the World Misison Board endevors of the COCHUSA. Please send your gifts to:
WMB, c/o Sis Helen Jacobs, P.O. Box 11141, Carson, CA 90749
Confirming the Calling: “Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, of a truth I percieved that God is no respecter of persons; but in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted by him.” ~ Acts 10:34