I, along with Senior Bishop Vernon Kennebrew and the entire Board of Bishops, would like to say, “Happy Easter” to you and the rest of the world. This weekend we take time off for Good Friday while many students take a Spring Break rest.
I’d like to go further than “Happy Easter.” I want to extend a thoughtful “Happy Easter to the Redeemed.”
Since last year, many of us have not been able to celebrate Easter in the way in which we are accustomed. Children’s Easter speeches were delivered over pre-recorded videos, Liturgical dances were performed in living rooms, and after-church Easter Egg hunts were cancelled.
For many of us this year will be the same- as your cities or states will encourage the faithful to refrain from gathering in large numbers.
However, I maintain “Happy Easter to the Redeemed.”
The work that Christ did on Calvary still excited me. After all, He did it for me. His work was so powerful that His blood and life was enough to redeem me (us) from sin! Brothers and Sisters in Christ- we may not recognize Easter in the traditional sense- but we, the Redeemed of God, are reminded this season of the powerful work that Christ did for us on Calvary.
Happy Easter to you- the Redeemed.
Bishop Lindsay Jones
National President