The youth conference will take place April 12-14, 2013. The theme is “One Goal…God’s Glory”.
- Friday April 12, 2013…”Youth Explosion Musical” Greater St. Paul..7pm. Local invited guests.
- Saturday April 13, 2013 (Greater St. Paul)……Registration (all day) 8am until………….Breakfast 8am-9am….Opening Session/Overview of the day 9am-10am……….
- Duel Session (Youth and Young Adults – Community Service Project (Ministry Opportunity) 10am-12pm (Parkwood Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center 3201 Parkwood Lane…Maryland Heights, MO 63043). Residents will be chosen to participate in a day of being cared served and appreciated.
- Session I (For Pastors, youth leaders, superintendents, Sunday School teachers, general members) UMI workshop/presentation. This will take place at Greater St. Paul COCHUSA.
- Lunch is at 12pm……
- Session II (1:30pm) Contests overview (Bible Quiz, Music, Choral, Oratorical Contest Information). Scholarship information and graduate overview. We will also discuss YAM and youth incentives and effectiveness of their programs.
- Evening outing (6pm)
- Sunday April 14, 2013…Youth Conference Worship service (Christ Temple Cathedral)..10:45am. Featured Speaker….Our own Minister Brad Buchanan