Hello COCHUSA Family,
On Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon of 15 & 16-October-2016, Eld Washington and Sis Geraldine Drake celebrated with Family, friends and love ones from across the nation to pay tribute and celebrate Eld Drakes official Retirement from pastoring. All services were held at the Sweet Home COCHUSA and their Family Life Center in Franklinton, LA. Eld Drake has been preaching for 59 years and has been pastoring for 43 years. (Praise the Lord!) This loving, hard-working-together couple, has been abundantly faithful to the Lord and the Church of Christ (Holiness) USA. Senior Bishop Kennebrew and I presented them a Letter of Honor and a love gift on behalf of the COCHUSA during the Sunday afternoon service. The Southwestern Diocese and the COCHUSA are indeed thankful to the Drake Family and appreciates all that Eld and Sis Drake has done for the betterment of this denomination. I ask that you keep the Drake Family in your prayers and be sure and to shake their hands and wish them all the best the next time you see them.
Let’s keep working together and loving our Lord,
Bro. Kerry Allen, Ambassador