Greetings COCHUSA,
After a very challenging winter season, we gratefully welcome a refreshing spring. As the elements of nature are blossoming and displaying the beauty of new life and growth, our spiritual body should also be on display. Our prayer is that the local churches of COCHUSA will spring forth with renewed vitality and zeal in doing our work of kingdom building.
We would like to take this opportunity to encourage our membership to participate in the 2014 National Day of Prayer on Thursday, May 1st. Please spend some time in praying for the welfare of our families, churches, neighborhoods, schools, economy, those in the military, and our national, state and local leaders.
In addition, you are asked to celebrate Memorial Day, May 26th. COCHUSA has been blessed over the years to have many outstanding men and women who have served in the armed services for the USA. We value their commitment to God and country as well as their tremendous sacrifices. It would be blessing to recognize the veterans and active military persons in your congregation on this holiday weekend.
In His Service,
Bishop Emery Lindsay, D.D., Senior Bishop
Bishop Vernon E. Kennebrew, National President