Greetings COCHUSA Family in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
I trust that this email will find you prospering and in good health!!!
My name is Bro. Tone Ross and I am serving as the coordinator for the C.P. Jones Music Contest under our new president, Deacon James A. “Tony” Ross. I am extremely excited about serving in this capacity and working with some our denominations most gifted and creative young people.
Please note that I have attached the rules and requirements to this email. In addition, here are some of the rules and expectations for the contest:
The Charles Price Jones Music Contest shall consist of four (4) categories at four (4) Levels of competition. The Categories are:
- High School Vocal
- High School Instrumental
- College Vocal
- College Instrumental
Levels of Competition:
- Level one, Local Church
- Level two, District
- Level three, Diocese
- Level four, National Congress
Each Contestant must prepare two (2) selections. For the vocal categories, one selection must be an oratorio, art song, classic or classical spiritual. For the instrumental categories, one selection must be a classic or oratorio. The selection for all categories must be a Charles Price Jones composition. A maximum or two (2) verses and two (2) choruses of the Charles Price Jones selection may be performed. Both selections are judged. A contestant may be accompanied live by one instrument. Pre-recorded accompaniment is not permitted.
Forms & Rules
Additional forms and rules for the National Music Contest can be found at
Also, please note that the deadline for submission in order to be considered for the 2013 convention year is MONDAY, APRIL 15th, 2013 at Midnight. All submissions must be sent to this gmail account:
in an MP3 Format.
Additional information will be sent out in the near future via facebook, twitter and other social networking sites. If there are any questions please forward them to this gmail address.
I am looking forward to hearing from some of the greatest vocalists and instrumentalists COCHUSA has to offer. Until then…
Peace & Favor Rest Upon You,
Bro. Tone Ross,
National C.P. Jones Music Contest Coordinator
Cell: 219-576-3352
Deacon Tony Ross, National S.S. & HYM President
Cell: 219-718-6591 Email:
Bishop Emery Lindsay, Presiding Prelate